Patti Hayes receives her ribbon and certificate from Karen Kirkland, president of the “Quilters of South Carolina” state association.
Of the 35 quilts that were submitted for the Swamp Fox Quilters’ Guild’s annual challenge, three were created by “first-timers”. This is the first time that Patti Hayes has prepared an entry for any quilt show or challenge. Her quilt was constructed using machine applique; a domestic sewing machine was used to apply the quilting. The piece was selected to receive an award from the “Quilters of South Carolina” group for being the best among the new entrants. State president Karen Kirkland was on hand to present the handmade ribbon to Patti.
The theme of this year’s quilt challenge was “It’s A Small World.” Stipulations required that the entries range from no smaller than 60” and no larger than 120” outer dimensions. Patti prepared a quilted portrait of a woodland gnome. The inspiration for her work stemmed from illustrations in a favorite childhood book titled “Gnomes” by Dutch artist Rien Poortvliet. According to legend, the woodland gnome reaches the prime of his life at 275 years of age, measures approximately 15 centimeters in height and weighs only 300 grams. His feet turn inward so as to outrun predators and are so very tiny that it’s nearly impossible to detect his footprints.
“Woodland Gnome” sewn by Patti Hayes
Other quilters who submitted for the first time included Gloria Browder for her stained-glass “Easter Cross” and Laurie Winburn for “It’s A World of Love”. All of the entries will remain on exhibit through the end of August. Be sure to stop by and vote for your favorite!